Your burning questions answered!
Jun 26, 2023
Q: I struggle with emotional eating. What can I do to avoid binging?
Answer: Controlling emotional eating is tough. I would say start by identifying your triggers and ask yourself what's really going on. A lot of times our urge to splurge is a way for us to comfort ourselves.
Q: I'm overwhelmed with all the diets. What is the best way to start?
Answer: Keep it simple and don't try to change multiple things at one time. Here's a SIMPLE plan that can help you get started.
Q: I've hit a (weight loss) plateau. What can I do to break this and continue to make progress?
Answer: It depends on what you are doing currently. With my clients, we try switching things up to see how their body responds. That may look like changing their workout routine or having a variety of foods in their nutrition.
Q: I feel like I can't find a balance between eating healthy and eating the foods I like.
Answer: I like to make simple swaps to my meals. If you like spaghetti, try using a different type of pasta that has less carbs. (Banza Pasta is one of my favorites!)
Q: I find it hard to stay consistent. I do good during the week but then the weekend comes and I go back to my old habits.
Answer: Many times we restrict ourselves during the week and 'reward' ourselves on the weekends. Instead try to incorporate foods you like throughout the week. That way you feel more balanced and less restricted.
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