5 Thanksgiving Hacks
Dec 02, 2021
The Holidays are here which means A LOT of food. Go into the holiday feeling confident that you can eat well without guilt. No tracking. No deprivation. Just being MINDFUL of what you are consuming and listening to your body.
The reality is, we can have this food whenever we want. We can always go back for more. Enjoy the things you love, and leave what you don't.
This is ONE day and ONE meal. It will not destroy your progress. I promise you that.
1. Start with Exercise
I recommend this as a year-round habit, but especially in the holiday season. When you start your day with exercise, you set the tone for the day. You will feel better mentally and physically.
2. Bring a Portion of the Meal
There are so many "healthy" options and versions of traditional favorites! Keep the secret to yourself and wait for the compliments to roll in. Plus, you then can FEEL GOOD about what you are eating. (Click here to download my easy Balsamic Roasted Veggies!)
3. Balance Your Plate
Fill at least 1/2 of your plate with healthier options like salad and veggies. Then get the turkey! By taking up some real estate on your plate with healthy options, you will have less room for indulgences like Grannie’s famous Mac ‘n Cheese.
4. Drink the Water
When traveling and being out of your routine, it can be easy to not drink as much. Just be mindful and keep tabs on it. It will help keep you fuller and help digest all the extra food.
5. Plan Ahead
I know my Grandma always has an amazing cookie display. I decide ahead of time that I am going to have some of those. I also know I am not a fan of things like stuffing and couple pass on regular mashed potatoes. By saying no to the things I don't LOVE, I will leave room for the things I look forward to!
But most importantly, ENJOY YOURSELF! It is the holiday season after all. There is no reason why you should be miserable by the end of the night!
-Coach Krista